Sunday, July 17, 2016

120-year-old news highlights from The Monroe Journal from July 1896

Grave of Charles Weatherford Sr. at Mineola.
The Monroe Journal newspaper in Monroeville, Ala., under the direction of editor and proprietor Q. Salter, published seven editions 120 years ago during the month of July 1896. Those issues, which were dated July 2, July 9, July 16, July 21, July 24, July 28 and July 31, can be found on microfilm at the Monroe County Library in Monroeville, Ala. What follows are a few news highlights from those seven editions. Enjoy.

JULY 2, 1896

Elder Irving L. Pratt and his colleagues, two Mormon missionaries of Provo, Utah, held services in the courthouse on last Friday night.

The contract for the building of the new Methodist parsonage at Monroeville has been awarded to the Messrs. Allen of Bermuda and work will begin immediately.

The Board of Trustees of the Perdue Hill High School held a meeting on Friday, June 26, and unanimously elected Mr. R.E. Gordon of Camden as principal for the ensuing term. Mr. Gordon has been, for two years past, principal of the Ackerville Academy, Wilcox County, and comes highly recommended.

The handsomely remodeled residence of Capt. W.S. Wiggins is nearing completion.  

Miss Belle Rankin is teaching a flourishing school at Hollinger in this county. Miss Hortense Deer began teaching at Glendale on Monday.

PERDUE HILL: Misses Kate and Neila Gaillard, two of Camden’s most popular young ladies, left last Sunday on Str. Tensie Moore for their home.

RIVER RIDGE: Miss Willie Johnson was accidentally shot by her little brother Carlie last Wednesday. He was carrying his rifle through the house and not knowing it was loaded, handled it carelessly and it went off and struck Miss Willie in the neck and we are glad to noted that she is up again.

JULY 9, 1896

Mr. H. Davis, principal of the Mexia High School, was in the city Saturday.

Prof. C.C. Sellers was in town Saturday attending the meeting of the Board of Education. Prof. Sellers is teaching a flourishing school at Finchburg.

Captains Thos. A. Nettles of Kempville and Thomas M. Riley of Riley, this county, attended the reunion of Confederate veterans at Richmond last week.

Another Landmark Gone: In the death of Mr. Charles Weatherford Sr., which occurred at his home near Mount Pleasant, this county on the 13th ultimo, is removed one of the landmarks of Monroe – one of the few links that connect the present with the past.
Mr. Weatherford was perhaps at the time of his death, the oldest man in the county, having attained the advanced age of 96 years. He was a son of William Weatherford, the noted Indian chieftain “Red Eagle” whose deeds of daring and patriotism are familiar to all the readers of Indian history.
Mr. Weatherford passed all his long life in this county and the many stirring incidents and events connected with its early history with which he was familiar would have filled a large and interesting volume.

The Confederate veterans of Wilcox will give a grand barbecue at Camden on July 23.

Dr. McDaniel reports Mr. W.R. Shirley, who was recently shot by his brother, out of danger, he has discharged the case.

JULY 16, 1896

A NARROW ESCAPE: During the prevalence of the electric storm Wednesday evening, Dr. J.M. Wiggins had a narrow escape from death by lightning. Dr. Wiggins was engaged behind his prescription counter when lightning struck a tree at the rear of the store, the bolt following down the trunk of the tree and expending its force on the wall of the building, tearing off several boards only a few feet from Doctor Wiggins and playing sad havoc among the bottles and phials of drugs on the shelves.
The shock knocked Dr. Wiggins senseless and threw him to the floor where he lay helpless for a few moments until his brother ran to his assistance. He soon recovered, however, having sustained no more serious injuries than a violent shaking up and the nervous reaction to so frightful an experience.
During the same evening and perhaps within a few minutes of the incident above recorded, lightning struck one of the large oaks in the yard of Judge Stallworth and violently shocked Mrs. Stallworth, who is an invalid. Their many friends are profoundly grateful that nothing more serious occurred.

The Commissioners Court convened Monday in special session, the full board being in attendance.

PERDUE HILL: Misses Boykin and LaPointe, two of Portland’s fair damsels, left several days since on Str. Tensie Moore for their home.

TURNBULL: A large and attentive crowd met at the Lodge at Pineville Friday night after the convention July 3 to witness a charming entertainment and ice cream supper given for the benefit of the Baptist and Methodist churches.

JULY 21, 1896

TWICE-A-WEEK: That’s How The Journal will Greet its Readers with Fresh News: Beginning this week and for an indefinite period, The Journal will be issued in two sections – on Tuesdays and Fridays – thus giving its readers the advantage of fresher news and more carefully selected matter. During the remainder of the State campaign and until its results is known, a lively interest will be felt in what is transpiring and it is largely to gratify this desire that this departure is made. The subscription price will remain at the same figure - $1 a year.

Mr. A.T. Sowell, the handsome and popular salesman for the Bear Creek Mill Co., was up Sunday on his “bike.”

Work on the new Methodist parsonage (is) progressing steadily. The timbers have been pretty well all cut, and the frame will be erected in a few days.

Mr. W.H. Louiselle of the Bear Creek Mill Co. and his brother, lately of Manistee, Mich., who is by the way, a whilom Knight of the Quill, were pleasant callers at The Journal office on Monday afternoon. Mr. Louiselle has recently graduated from a leading law school and thinks of locating in some progressive southern city.

TURNBULL: Mrs. Sallie Farish (nee Dickinson) of Nellie, Wilcox County, is on a visit to her mother, our esteemed postmistress.

TINELLA: On the 7th inst., the Knights of Pythias had a pubic installation of officers. The weather was so bad that only a few came out.

The Monroeville jail has but one lonely inmate, and he a prisoner who availed himself of what is known in provincial vernacular as “leg bail.”

Brewton News – An effort is being made to raise a building fund by the Baptists of this place. If $5,000 can be secured, a magnificent brick church to cost that amount will be erected soon.
Standard Gauge – The loss of the Harold mill by the recent fire is estimated at $5,000.
Thomasville News – We expect an expert here soon to examine the coal in this vicinity. It is quite likely it can be found of value, also there is strong probability of getting a good quality of it near Thomasville.

JULY 24, 1896

Mr. W.R. Shirley was in the city Wednesday. He has almost entirely recovered from the effects of his recent injuries.

Cotton Opening: Mr. James T. Snow is the boss farmer of this section. He was the first to report cotton blooms in the spring and on yesterday he again broke the record by bringing to The Journal office two well matured open bolls of cotton. He says he had open cotton on the 15th inst., and it is opening very rapidly in this hot weather.

The Bear Creek Mill Co. has closed a deal by which they secure on large bodies of timbered lands in the vicinity of Monroeville. The company, have already begun work on the extension of a branch railroad to give access to the timber. The road will reach a point within three miles of town.

Pro. J.N. Ivey passed through the city yesterday enroute to Perdue Hill.

Capt. George H. Gray of Perdue Hill gave The Journal a pleasant call on Tuesday.

Dr. Carter and his wife of Marengo County are spending a few weeks in the city. They are guests of the Watson House.

A very pleasant social was enjoyed by the young people at Dr. Russell’s residence, “Magnolia Villa,” on Tuesday evening. The Misses Russel are model entertainers.

Master Jno. Stallworth left Wednesday on his “bike” via Pineville, to visit his old home at Bell’s Landing. John is becoming an accomplished wheel-man.

The Journal is requested to announce that there will be a basket picnic at the Wiggins school house near Tekoa on Saturday, July 25, 1896; everybody cordially invited to attend.

PINEVILLE: Dr. T.B. Robbins has been quite sick for the past week.

TURNBULL: Miss Mary G. Stallworth is to again honor Pineville school with her services.

JULY 28, 1896

Capt. W.B. Kemp of Kempville spent yesterday in the city.

Dr. Carter and family returned to their home in Marengo County Monday.

Mr. Allan McConico of Foshee, Ala. is on a visit to friends in Monroe.

Dr. Yarbrough and Mr. John Fore attended the picnic and political speaking at Repton Thursday.

Miss Sophie Neville, who is teaching at Pleasant Ridge, spent last Saturday and Sunday in the city.

Prof. J.N. Powers and family returned home Sunday from a pleasant visit to relatives and friends in Choctaw County.

Cadet Challie Stevens and Mr. Tom Neal of Brewton spent a few days with relatives and friends in Monroe last week.

Prof. C.C. Sellers, principal of the Finchburgh Academy, was in the city on Saturday. He reports a fine school, 60 pupils enrolled and still coming.

Cholera is playing havoc among the hogs in the northwestern portion of the county.

Dr. J.M. McDaniel and Mr. D.M. Gordon of Monroeville and Messrs. Ed Robison and Geo. Marshall of Perdue Hill attended the Confederate reunion and barbecue at Camden on the 23rd, returning Sunday. The report a grand time.

Ice cream and lemonade will be served by the ladies of Monroeville at the City Hotel on Monday and Monday night of Aug. 3, the proceeds of which will go to the academy.

PERDUE HILL: Misses Minnie and Bessie Lee Marshall and Messrs. G.F. Marshall and E.E. Robison attended the reunion of Confederate veterans at Camden this week.

MEXIA: Baseball is the rage with the boys of Mexia now; they play every Saturday afternoon and have developed into very good amateurs.

Brewton News – A negro boy, while attempting to board a moving train at Kirkland one day last week, fell under it, the wheels passing over his body and almost severing it. He lived only a short while.
Standard Gauge – A new organ for the Methodist church will arrive in a few days.
Jackson Alabamian – Mr. McLeod has about a dozen men at work on the college building now. The building will be by far the most handsome one of any in the county.
Last week, a rattlesnake, measuring five feet and seven inches in length and having 18 rattles, was killed at ford of Harris’ Creek, near Gum Hill. A rabbit had been swallowed by the snake shortly before the killing.

PUBLIC SPEAKING: Hon. E.R. Morrisette will address the people on the issues of the campaign at Monroeville Fri., July 31, at 10 o’clock a.m.; Perdue Hill, Sat., Aug. 1, at 10 o’clock a.m. All voters cordially invited to attend.

JULY 31, 1896

Misses Janie and Jessie and Master John Grissette of Garland are visiting the family of their uncle, Capt. Thos. S. Wiggins.

Capt. W.H. Andrews passed through town this week on his return from Camden where he attended the reunion of Confederate veterans.

Stockholders’ Meeting: There will be a meeting of the patrons of the Monroeville Academy on Sat., Aug. 1, at five o’clock p.m. for the purpose of organizing a stock company. All who have invested in the new building must be present in order to put in their claims for shares. Other important business to be transacted. A fine attendance is desired. By order of the board of Trustees.

Mr. L.N. Lambert, one of Mexia’s enterprising businessmen, was in the city on Wednesday.

Rev. J.H. Riffe attended the Southwest Alabama Ministers and Deacons Institute at Georgiana on the 27th inst.

Work on the new parsonage has been at a standstill for a few days, the workmen having worked up all available material on the grounds.

MEXIA: Messrs. Geo. Marshall and Ned Robison returned from Camden Sunday afternoon where they, with Mr. Gordon and Dr. McDaniel, had been attending the Confederate reunion.


Evergreen Courant – Yesterday evening, while at the baseball game, Mr. S.P. Dunn’s horse became suddenly frightened and ran away, throwing himself and Dr. J.C. Snead out. Dr. Snead was not hurt seriously, but Mr. Dunn was knocked insensible for some time and was severely shook up.

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